Our journey began one February afternoon when it was brought to our attention that a local farm in the area had two newborn Nigerian dwarf goats available for sale. When we arrived at the farm we were introduced to Chloe and Ivy, only two days old. Both would require bottle feeding 5 times a day. As we agreed to take responsibility of these two adorable babies the farmer then approached us to take a look at another Nubian,Nigerian dwarf goat that had been born the day before. Unable to leave him behind, he would be later known as Odie! After two months of bottle feeding they were introduced to their newly built enclosure at the Farm . They have become a favorite attraction for our guests.
Soon thereafter the Trout Town Farms team took a afternoon trip to Buck Brook Alpaca Farm. It was there that we all fell in love with the gentle majestic nature of the alpacas. It was without hesitation that we agreed that these animals would be a perfect addition to our farm. We then purchased three male alpacas known as Emeril , Moonshine and Barnabas. We were pleased to learn that both our goats and alpacas could share the same pasture area and enclosure. It’s become a real treat to observe the goats and alpacas as they entertain our guests with their amazing individual personalities. On special occasions guests may get a chance to enter the pasture area and meet our friendly animals and hand feed treats.